Wednesday, January 7, 2015

CCAN4423 Cantonese Colloquialisms

Course Code: CCAN4423
Course Title: Cantonese Colloquialisms
Date: January 7th

Ok. So this is my first time using Blogger. I just finished my first class of this semester and now i would like to revise what was taught in class by reorganising my notes.

Mr. Chang is the lecturer of this class and I am happy to take another of his class this semester. Last time I took CCAN4413 Cantonese in Professional Settings with Jan and this time I have Stephan and Chris as my classmates. I didn't go to the first class on Monday because I went to the airport to pick up Fatty Bear. Today I went to the class late because I woke up at 8:45 and took a shower. The class is at Wong Fu Yuan Building which is located in the freaking far-away CC. I was 15 minutes late for class. When I got into the class, Mr. Chang recognised me and called me Claire. I am so happy to take his class again and I am ready to learn more Cantonese from him :)

A piece of story is given to us. It is about a woman complaining about her husband cheating on him to another man who is her husbands co-worker. Throughout the story, the woman kept complaining about her miserable life and the man kept on comforting her while being a little bit annoyed. To everyone's surprise, the "third person" is actually this man!

Here are some of the vocabulary that can be used to describe a "mistress":
情婦 chihnˋfuhˊ Mistress
第三者 daihsaamjeˊ The third person
小三 siuˊsaam Little Three
By the way, to say that a person is having a mistress outside of the marriage, we say:
包二奶 baauyinaai
If directly translate it to English, it has the meaning of "keeping a second pair of boobs".

Other new vocabulary that I learned today are:
俗語 juhkyuˊ Colloquilisms
嚇親 haakchan
Mr. Chang asked us if we know the word for getting shocked and surprised, I replied 驚 geng. However, this word means scared instead. I have learned some colloquilisms for sure today!

Some colloquilisms from the story:
Gam suhk sinˋ gongˊ I say this to you since we know each other so well
重槌 chuhngˊ cheuihˋ Pay out a lot
落重槌 lohk chuhngˊ cheuihˋ
重槌出擊 chuhngˊ cheuihˋ cheut gik
至低限度 ji daiˋ haahn douh At the very least
頃天光 king tinˋ gwongˋ Talk overnight

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