Saturday, February 6, 2016

Review on KIMOJI

We all know that Kim Kardashian has just released her very own "KIMOJI" and I have just downloaded the app from Google Play after reading a related article on MTV Snapchat.

This app is worth 15.99 HKD which is normal for a standard "sticker app". After opening the app, I was directed to the keyboard setting page of my phone. Swipe right to enable the KIMOJI keyboard. And let's try!

The two main KIMOJIS are the emojis (gray-haired Kim icon) and the GIFs (Kim's twerking icon). As you can see here, both emoji and GIF were sent as "files" on Facebook Messenger, .pnglarge and .giflarge respectively.

If we try on Wechat, we get the same result as we do on Facebook Messenger.

On Between, whatsapp and Snapchat, emojis and GIFs appear to be just "huge pictures".

Seriously? I feel like that I am just spamming my friends with files with random names and non-meme pictures. The emojis are just too enormous and the GIFs won't move at all. Whoever that created these "KIMOJIS" should just skill up and write better codes.